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Unconventional Home Selling Tactics

Paul Tosello

Looking for a Residential Real Estate Expert? Meet Paul, a Realtor with 37 years of experience and a background in residential construction...

Looking for a Residential Real Estate Expert? Meet Paul, a Realtor with 37 years of experience and a background in residential construction...

Aug 24 4 minutes read

Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”  Whether or not it's actually insane is up for debate, but I do see it as a common trap that people regularly fall into in real estate. Why? We’re humans.

Human beings are creatures of routine. Even the most spontaneous among us stick to a lot of routines and habits in life. For us, it's challenging/scary to try different approaches to things we've always done one way.

Yet, that phrase still holds true. If you want different results than what you’re getting, you have to try different approaches.

With all the competition out there, selling your home can take strategy and out of the box thinking. Buzz needs to be created for your home, but it can be difficult to do that when there are a number of other similarly listed homes out there. do you stand out from the rest of the heard?

Use an Unconventional Ad

Real estate ads all tend to look the same. Ads can give away all the info and the pictures look bland. All homes are described as “beautiful” or "move-in ready" and it seems like most neighborhoods are described as “highly desirable.” So many ads lack creativity, which makes them blend in with all the others. Instead of a generic, boring ad, make yourself stand out by being bold and different. PS If you want help with this, we think our Facebook Ads might do the trick! 

Big Ticket Items

A new trend sellers are having luck with is enticing buyers by throwing in a big ticket item. Something they may have always wanted, but most likely are not going to buy for themselves. Depending on the location, throwing in a barbecue or media room set up can be an option! If you don't have the equity or financial freedom to do something that extravagant, consider a new $400 Smart TV, that amazing swing set your kids loved, or even a “credit” towards furniture. People like to get something for free, even if you have already factored it into your desired sale price.

Get Creative w/Photography

Spending a little extra money upfront can lead to some big returns down the line. Think about hiring a videographer to make a video of your house, but have them make it look like the preview to a Hollywood blockbuster! Or consider adding in some staging furniture or decor. The unique  perspective will add a whole new dimension and make sure folks remember your home! Our photographer and videographer is amazing (if you're looking for someone)! 

Take Your Staging Up A Notch

Most people know you need to stage a home to some extent to really make buyers fall in love. However, by kicking it up a notch, you will make your home absolutely unforgettable. Think about details you would see at a luxury hotel or high-end residence. Hang only the most elegant, fluffy hand towels in the bathroom. Present hors d’oeuvres on an elegant serving tray. Even if these aren’t items you would use in your everyday life, bringing them into your home during these moments will make visitors to your home feel a sense of luxury and refinement.  This will help your home stand out among others they might be looking at.

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